Web de noticias sobre Luis Digital, Software libre, y electrónica digital.
lunes, abril 23, 2012
Universal libreria para NRF24L01
Hemos publicado una librería en lenguaje C, para los chips nRF24L01, y con ejemplos para varios microcontroladores. El código también es compatible con los chips nRF2401 si se desactivan varias funciones (ShockBurst).
5 comentarios:
You should consider adding #ifndef in your header files, it is considered a standard method even if you don't expect the header to be used twice.
I have started using the library with LPC1114 and I'm making some modifications as I go.
I have moved NRF24L01_Receive and NRF24L01_Send from the main code to the library, I think it is easier to use the library if these are already defined.
I also miss a way to set the interrupt mask so I will probably add a function for this.
5 comentarios:
You should consider adding #ifndef in your header files, it is considered a standard method even if you don't expect the header to be used twice.
Please check http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Once_002dOnly-Headers.html#Once_002dOnly-Headers
I will, thanks.
I have started using the library with LPC1114 and I'm making some modifications as I go.
I have moved NRF24L01_Receive and NRF24L01_Send from the main code to the library, I think it is easier to use the library if these are already defined.
I also miss a way to set the interrupt mask so I will probably add a function for this.
By the way, nice job!
There are many possible modifications, if you like you can send me your version so that others can download.
Thank you.
Como acceder a la libreria? Disculpen mi ignorancia, gracias...
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